Friday, July 22, 2011

Psalm 18:34-35

Psalm 18:34-35
There is a time for being still, a time for preparation and training but after GOD declares you trained GET OFF YOUR KNEES AND MOVE.!Some of us miss our blessings on our kness at the wrong time. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Speech is an ignition.

Whatever you speak you ignite!Make sure you don't regret lighting a fire you can't put out with your words.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Prepare for the breakthrough with change!

God is ready with your break through but are you willing to make the changes to recieve His breakthrough?
Example: If you're looking for a financial breakthrough and you know well and good the lives of many are riding on this breakthrough, how you going to keep living ruggedy and spending carelessly with the littlle you have yet still expect a breakthrough? If you're looking for a good man, how you going to keep living losely and have such a vile heart and still expect it?
20/20 spiritual vision is far greater than 20/20 vision in the natural :-)Blessed sunday y'all

Friday, July 15, 2011


Purpose is the true meaning of "open doors" because it unlocks the gate to all the relevant doors in your life :-) enjoy your day!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

If HE spoke it it's Yes and Amen(2 Corinthians1:20)

If He spoke it , it's always YES and AMEN, believe that!
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.NIV

For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.KJV

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A good heart is a protective mirror

When the receiving end of an evil deed of any sort(a lie, betrayal, spite, abuse,infidelity, theft etc) is a good and loving heart, that deed can't really be absorbed, all it does it is reflect/ bounce back to the doer!

Attitude is the first seed

The first seed sown before any effort is made is ATTITUDE, it is that which determines what you reap from any seed you sow. You can work hard and pray but if your mindset is negative and doubtful you will reap nothing!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Father to daughter.(first impression)

A girl's first prince charming is her father, he places the first impressions of the opposite sex in her mind and heart. If he puts a messy picture in her mind, she carries that with her into adulthood. 
If you see a troubled and "damaged" girl, One who can't seem to make any right relational choices, you might want to look past her exes and mother and look at her father. He may not neccessarily be a bad man , but look at the things he didnt teach her, the things he never said to her, the value he forgot to show her she had. The man may have done plenty of honourable things but forgot plenty of important things and the trouble with parenting is, every little thing counts.
It's little things like father-daughter dates that seem ridiculous to the ears but make perfect sense to that impressionable young lady. It's letting her know you love her not just in words but in deeds. Reminding her of her worth beyond just her school grades and reports.
Proverbs 22:6 says"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." this doesnt simply refer to pumping scriptures into your child's mind and having them attend church and watch spirituallly enriching content. It's a whole package, teaching the child how to relate, how to cope with daily life, how to walk away from hurtful and deadly situations and not chase after or cling to them.It is so much more!!! It is teaching that girl how to LIVE !

It is a father's responsibility to show  his daughter GOD in a man and not let her search for years in vain for that sense of God in a man. It should not be foreign or strange to her when she is pampered and loved, she should expect it because she is a "queen".  By showing her the right picture, he will direct her to the right man and save her the pain of scars along the way to the right one.
Without question there is a need for responsible, God fearing fathers or atleast father figures to show us how we should rightfully be treated, to recognize and let in the right man when he comes along, instead of putting our guard up, matter of fact to WAIT for him and not run into the ones who will mess us up so bad internally that the right one has to work through the mess first.
The great news is, at whatever point we do meet Christ, He has an amazing way of overturning everything we learnt in the natural and giving a fresh start, with Him it is never too late, and even to those "damaged" little girls, the right one is available through Christ. He will be man enough to  work through it all with you and love you for the gorgeous queen you are, so keep your head up, open your heart to the Lord and taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
ps: I gots me a hero! sorry I had to brag abit *giggles*

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The root of desperacy is fear and desperacy is vulnerability. Reject the trap of fear and KNOW not that He is going to work everything out but  that HE IS working everything out for your good. Romans 8:28

Friday, July 8, 2011

validation, is it worth it?

Validation is it worth it?

When you hurt, struggle , get frustrated and mask it with the 'I'm all put together act' because God forbid you should show an inkling of weakness or admit to needing help! Is the social validation worth internal death and filth unreleased on the inside?

When you let your girls be all up in your personals giving you their "perfect" pieces of advice which sometimes can only apply to their life and their situation. Is your girls' validation worth your family , relationship and marital functionality and success?

When you own all the latest brands, live the posh lifestyle and are always up to date regardless of higher priorities and size of your account. Are the latest trends and posh lifestyle worth the financial strain?

When you let family dictate your every move and push you where they think you ought to be and go. Is family validation worth your true purpose?

When you robotically pick up the lingo, the lifestyle the culture of your brothers and sisters in Christ,cram but don't understand Genesis to Revelations and have no real internal transformation nor change in your life is the church validation worth the rich depth of being in Christ?

When you let the one you love and you assume 'loves ' you back abuse every value and every gift God gave you.Talking your self-esteem into the ground,letting him/her return your loyalty with the slap of unfaithfulness.letting him swap Godly leadership for cold calculated oppression. Or letting her superficial lifestyle drive you into debt.Opening your heart to slow but steady bit by bit crushing of yourself.hardening your beautiful loving heart because of the daily wounding.Is his/her validation worth your sparkle?

When you're turning your nose up on God  because there's 'hypocrisy' in church as though there's a place on earth where you don't find hypocrisy. In truth its just to fit in with the cool kats. Is validation worth your soul?

I've come to the conclusion that seeking validation of others is worth one thing... It's worth the satisfaction,happiness and wellbeing of everyone BUT YOURSELF

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Performance over credentials

A good degree isn't necessarily intelligence, it could be an impeccable memory :-) Performance over credentials any day! And that applies all round, not just the work place.


Two words FOLLOW THROUGH.Lots of people are starters, very few are finishers and even fewer are both. I started my race, I'm still running it and I'm going to finish it well. What are you doing?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A doctor can only heal what you reveal

"A doctor can only heal what you reveal" Kirk Franklin.It is only when we are transparent with God, laying it all before Him, the good, the bad and the ugly that He can be allowed into our core. Then and only then can He begin to do the work that only He can inside of us.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Romans 5:20

Grace will always speak louder than condemnation because Grace transforms. The following video links prove that.Enjoy :-) nyt y'all
Being great at one thing doesn't mean you're automatically good at all else.To characterise a pesron based on one area of weakness is flawed reasoning. We all have an area in life to perfect which is what levels us in life. A good friend can be a terrible spouse at home, a billionaire can be the worst father,a good writer can be a poor orator.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

God always has the last say!

What happened to John Mark between Acts13:13, 15:36-39 and Colossians 4:10-11 2timothy4:11? The Prunning of God and mentoring of Barnabas transformed him from the written off Servant to the Commendable man of God!GOD ALWAYS HAS THE LAST SAY.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Time and Depth

The roots of an oak tree spread further and go deeper WITH TIME. The tree continues to grow and becomes stronger and firmer WITH TIME. The DEPTH of the roots(depth in the Word) and the dedication OF TIME are two important ingredients that eventually birth fruitfulness and seperate the momentary from the eternal.

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:Ephesians 4:26

Ephesians4:26 It's normal and natural to get angry. That's why" Be ye angry" is mentioned in this verse but to use it as strategy for something is folly. Anger is NEVER A STRATEGY, ITS A TRAP.It disguises itself with boldness and ability to destroy all contenders but it always makes you look weak , sometimes shames you and puts you in line for an apology .

Friday, July 1, 2011


8 I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: 9 Which doeth great things and unsearchable     marvellous things without number. I choose the word over the circumstance.DONE

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