Fact is if yesterday was so bad, the end of it all, there would be no need for you to have a life today but you're here.It's a new day, a chance to be great so be it unto you as His will and His word say.Lovely sunday y'all :-)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Be great in the small ways too
We aren't always able to do big things but we can be sure that a small good deed can have a large ripple effect. Making an effort is better than no effort but we often disqualify ourselves because we believe that if it's not "big" then it's nothing.We waste our days, months and years looking do one "big" thing when we could have done small great things adding up to a great legacy.May He who is able (Ephesians3:20)enable us, and give us a confidence that never shrinks (Hebrews10:35&39)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Broken to be used better
Matthew 14:13-21
Seperate the feeling from the Truth
Feelings aren't facts, neither are they truth.
A win doesn't always feel like a win.
What doesn't feel good, can still work out for good.
James 1:1-8,2 Corinthians 4:8-12, Romans 8:37-38
A win doesn't always feel like a win.
What doesn't feel good, can still work out for good.
James 1:1-8,2 Corinthians 4:8-12, Romans 8:37-38
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
There can be no liberty without freeing the inner man and to free the inner man, the heart has to be freed for it is the wellspring of life. After liberty is obtained ,the heart must be guarded.(proverbs4:23)
Monday, January 23, 2012
The mouth
Your mouth is your greatest ambassador, use it wisely.
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Matthew12:34
Saturday, January 21, 2012
One step at a time
Every journey begins with one step, dare to be what God created you to be, take the step.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Face it
What you can face is a mirror of who is inside you,those that flee from advesity and try to find short cuts will never be able to meet Strength(Christ) in themselves.
His strength is made perfect in our weekness.2corinthians 12:9
Perfect love casteh out fear.1 John 4:18
His strength is made perfect in our weekness.2corinthians 12:9
Perfect love casteh out fear.1 John 4:18
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John same mission different execution. Authenticity illustrated at its best.
Authenticity is a key to continuity. Duplicates can only fake and serve but for a season,originals are timeless. The very essence of time unfolding demands that a new fragrance blow to refresh what is withering. What is greatly lacking is the boldness to employ the unique Godly imprint in each and every man. I would rather fail and get up in my own walk than to live under the shadow of another's walk. Let your light shine!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The abundant life.
He came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantlly(John10:10) not for life to have us instead.If we find our lives in the latter scenario,we are setlling for less than that which Christ gave us...just because life has challenges it should not hold us captive,we should only grow and learn for the better with the freedom Christ gave us by His blood!.#paradigm shift#
Friday, January 13, 2012
Understanding is closely correlated with elevation, as we understand we grow, understanding is a pivotal point of change. In all your getting get understanding!
Matthew26:7 The understanding of sacrifice
Matthew16:13-18 The understanding Christ
Matthew14:36 The understanding of a devine opportunity.....need I say more?
Matthew26:7 The understanding of sacrifice
Matthew16:13-18 The understanding Christ
Matthew14:36 The understanding of a devine opportunity.....need I say more?
Learn the meaning
Good times are often celebratory moments of the fruits of the bad times, the maturity, the realignment, the realisations etc all from the hardtimes.so maybe bad times are just good times with a different language from that we are used to ....just thinking.
Further from 'they' closer to Him
Many times when you become what 'they' never knew you could be, when you do what 'they' said was impossible for you ,when you change from that 'they' thought you would always be, when your gloomy story becomes history and becomes a victory story....we have encountered the transforming ,immeasurable power of God in His full Trinity.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Your adversaries will always see your permanennt demise when it's really just your beginning.You have obtained an inheritence and been predestined according to the purpose of HIM who He works all things according to the counsel of HIS own will(Ephesians1:11)God has done this in consultation of no man so if you believe, it will be unto you only as His word and will says!#Fret Not#
Saturday, January 7, 2012
They really don't know
The great thing about Abiding on the Shadow of the Almighty is that although the people who come against see only you, they ultimately face Him :-)#fret not#
Friday, January 6, 2012
The uncompromising truth about compromise
Compromise is subtle but deadly because it is an exposure of a weakness that your enemy would never have used against you had you not chosen to compromise. Sobriety and Vigilance(1peter5:8)that is the uncompromising truth.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Some lessons about Identity and Purpose
Three things I've learnt about purpose and identity:
1.You will misidentify yourself if you define yourself by one moment in your life.
- Good people suffer
- Rejected people can become human magnets
2.Purpose comes from the whole not individual pieces so viewing life in snapshots blocks the view to the purpose that is why ALL thinngs work together for the good of those that are called according to His purpose.
3.Whenever you yield that burning desire God has placed inside of you, you will meet your purpose.Ephesians 1:9 &11
Monday, January 2, 2012
Be still
One of the best tools you can use against an opponent is an assumption, the assumption that you have no help, the assumption that you are defeated, the assumption that justice doesn't belong to you, the assumption that God doesn't have all the facts external and internal, the assumption that you are a forgotten child of God, the assumption that you are desolate and your one moment is a life story. Be still, let them assume but Yahweh is God!He will turn what the enemy meant for evil into your good!
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