Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Correction tramps Judgement

People are able to praise the upbringing that brings about noble character but unwilling to accept the flaws in upbringing that mould bad character. When it comes to the latter, suddenly no one wants to find a root but there is a readiness to pounce with judgement. The people who didn't have the privilege of good parenthood,didn't choose thier circumstance and sometimes they just need love and proper guidance to find their place in society,dont shut the door on people,everyone has a story, these just happen not to be rosy stories but they can be changed. Correction works far better than judgement.


  1. its easier said than done, people have a aversion to the "bad charactered" individuals they cant seem to stand them long enough to offer the much required love or guidance. That speaks volumes about the supposed "noble characters" who cannot be bothered to so much as listen to these poor sods' stories.

  2. True Youssouf(easier said than done) but I believe just because its hard doesnt mean we shouldn't try to be better...and yes it's a shame that the noble people can't be bothered


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