Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reflection on missteps

God grants us opportunities and blesses us with seeds that need grasping, nurturing and protecting.That is how we show how truly grateful we are. None of us is perfect, and sometimes we make mistakes so grave that we lose these blessings or spoil them so badly that we end up having to sweat to repair what was once a "sweat-less" gift. I often think how strange it is that we can praise God for a gift when it keeps on giving and when everything is going well and then turn around and accuse God of failing or not being there for us because that gift is now lost or ruined by one's own actions. If God were human, He would probably be stressed or would have given up on us because of our attitude. Thankfully He is a relentlessly loving God.

There is only one plan that God has for man and it is a good plan; one that will lead us from victory to victory so we can't blame Him for our own mistakes. I pray that we can all be humble enough to ask for God's guidance when we mess up and not lash out at Him.

Forever learning,

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