Sunday, October 20, 2013

Deliver uniquely

Reading the parable of talents in Matthew 25:14-24 something struck me because it related to what I have learned over a few years.
 "But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money." Verse 18
 This means that until you deliver uniquely, your talent remains hidden! It is as if your talent/gift was never given or birthed in you. What a tragedy that would be!
In verse 24  the master likens the servant who hid his talent(verse 18) to one who reaps where he has not sown. This is exactly what happens with writing or any other talent for that matter. 
You can't be a good writer unless you start to write as yourself, you can't sing excellently until you sing as yourself. The unique touch makes the difference between excellence and mediocrity. As a copy cat there is no multiplication, it is only duplication. Further more, one stifles oneself when instead of investing in one's own gift, one farther's the gift of another. It's okay to have a natural similarity in delivering one's talent or to be inspired but to intentionally copy or imitate another's talent is only a disservice to the "copier". You will only be remembered as the copy of whoever it is you are imitating and as such never truly appreciated or effective in producing fruit from your talent. It is better to mature slowly and be effective in your own unique way than to shoot to fame for being like some famous person but not grow or go any further. It is also better to be positively compared to great people in terms of what you have achieved(results and effectiveness) than to be compared for having the same delivery as someone great. 
Reaping where you have not sown in verse 24  also means that you are stealing the benefits of someone's gift/talent.

My prayer for us all is that we may all discover our talents and deliver them uniquely as ourselves. Have a lovely Sunday y'all!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Does the end always justify the means?

Does the end always justify the means? People buzzing on social networks talking about how a sham of a show supposedly representing Christianity is working a great purpose because it is sparking dialogue. Sure it is, but what sort of dialogue are we talking?As far as I can see it's dialogue mocking the church. At what point does wisdom kick in and when do people draw the line because it's not just the ridiculous shows. It's religious extremists blowing up buildings and killing people to get a nation off their own territory, it's immigration laws being ridiculously strict because a small group of people have misbehaved, it's girls selling themselves short so that they can boast of a ring(mind you it's just the ring because the marriage is often empty), it's men behaving like con artists with all the lies and tricks just to get a few moments of pleasure from a lady, it's women taking naked pics to gain ratings and publicity.So many extremes with people disregarding love, human dignity, integrity, health and the sanctity of life because of "freedom of choice" and getting it by all means.

 The state of things today which is generally abysmal is nothing short of a bunch of ungodly, rushed and poor decisions and the people who have enough sense to call things what they really are the crazy, boring bunch. I'll gladly wear those titles any day.  Christ is the standard I'm aspiring to. Enjoy your weekend folks!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


For everything real, there is a convincing counterfeit that will most probably present itself on your journey to real or when you have found real.

You will be presented with a cheap thrill pretending to be true joy.
You will be presented with shortcuts instead of the long but right way.
You will be presented with infatuation and lust purporting to be love.
You will be presented with statistical formulas for chance and probability or "ground breaking" books of great thinkers claiming to have discovered the truth that is "As a man thinketh so is he" in the book of Proverbs just to convince you that their is the true enlightened way and that your break through and life are only a sum of action and luck.
You will be presented with opportunists,liars and enemies putting on a stellar performance of friendship.
You will be presented with tempting wrong paths presenting themselves as your destiny.
You will be presented with other people's purposes trying to convince you that they are yours just because of the very visible rewards.
You will be presented with competitors dressed as team mates.

Even though I have met these counterfeits I know these counterfeits will never stop presenting themselves. I know that they for every counterfeit there is something and Someone real and the TRUTH will always reign. Be sober minded, Be watchful, Be wise.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I sometimes wonder how many people are suffering  silently for no other reason than lack of understanding and a stubborn stigma against illness amongst us Africans/Blacks. Not that other "taboo" illness,don't worry I won't go there yet. We will call it anything: dysfunctional, bad manners, anti social, but not mental illness. I mean how could it be? Isn't that the term psychiatrists and mental health specialists coin to excuse bad behaviour? Isn't that a white people issue? If we do dare to admit and call it what it is, we try to conveniently excuse ourselves from the responsibility to help by claiming that the person in question ought to want the help. How is someone who isn't in their right mind supposed to make the sound decision to get help? What if they never do make that sound decision? What if the only wake up call you get is the one that tells you he/she took her life or the life of someone? Mental illness is an illness like any other illness and the victims of this illness should be treated with compassion and care. When anyone falls sick, he/she will go and see a doctor even if they are praying and believing for healing.The same practicality that will remind us to go see the doctor for a serious illness even when we are praying for healing should be the same practicality that we apply to mental illness. That's for my christian brothers and sisters who come up with the "I'm praying for him/her" defense to their nonchalant approach to mental illness. There is nothing weak or wrong about admitting to a real problem . There is everything wrong with ignoring a silent killer hoping that it will miraculously disappear. If many of us can comprehend a spiritual attack, why can't we come to terms with a mental attack? For a people who claim to be  such a strong group of people we really do exhibit some cowardly traits when it comes to real issues like that.
Let's really be what we claim to be, strong people.Strong enough to handle these issues, strong enough to be our brother's keeper when he can't be his own keeper, strong enough to speak out and change the most secret issues of our people.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Lessons From Scandal

Just because the affair gives your butterflies doesn't mean you're turning into one. It's the reverse. From butterfly to caterpillar.

Just because you're discreet doesn't mean it won't come to light.

Just because it feels right doesn't make it right.

Just because you found a woman with flair doesn't mean your wife's not there .

Just because you fix other's lives doesn't excuse you from fixing your own life.

Just because you committed for convenience doesn't mean the marriage will be convenient.

Just because you are both good people it doesn't validate the wrong you do together.

Just because it's between two people, doesn't  it won't hurt many people.

Just because it's between to elites doesn't make the action any less "common" or "low".

Just because you're strong with other people doesn't mean you'll be strong in the face of your biggest temptation.

Just because he or she makes you feel strong doesn't mean he or she isn't your weakness.

Just because you're intelligent doesn't mean you are wise.

Hey shanda! Come on somebody! I'm getting carried away. I'll stop now 

No to "rachet"

When the term "rachet" first came on the scene, I was tickled ,mostly because it was used to describe mindless behaviour and badly behaved people who thought they were being cool. It didn't take long before "rachet" found it's way on our television screens on a number of reality shows which I still found somewhat amusing  and extremely entertaining (no guilt tripping please) because I couldn't believe anyone with an iota of sense could behave this way. I actually believed it was all for ratings and that most people would have the common sense to see through the lies and even more so the sense not to pick any lessons to live by. I was wrong on both counts because not only do people have  admiration for these sorts of people, people are adopting some of the mindless behaviour. More alarming is the fact that now church leaders think that they have to have reality shows to remain relevant. Enter "Preachers of LA" the newest mess on the scene! Really? No seriously, really?? If anyone has watched 5 minutes of that show you know what I'm talking about. One of the preachers tells us how there is no cohabiting between him and his new fiancĂ©e  (note the use of NEW) for "religious" reasons but I was left wondering where the religious reasons went when they had a baby before they were married. I'm not saying he ought to be perfect, I'm just asking him to be subjective about when he applies convenient rules. It's all quite absurd really.  If preachers are now having reality shows I wonder what's next Presidents with reality shows?  It's like I woke up and "rachet" was suddenly the new cool. Seems to that the more time goes by the more the use of wisdom and conscience becomes something to be scoffed at. Nevertheless I won't be joining the mindless movement anytime soon and I hope there are many people out there with me on this!

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