Friday, October 18, 2013

Does the end always justify the means?

Does the end always justify the means? People buzzing on social networks talking about how a sham of a show supposedly representing Christianity is working a great purpose because it is sparking dialogue. Sure it is, but what sort of dialogue are we talking?As far as I can see it's dialogue mocking the church. At what point does wisdom kick in and when do people draw the line because it's not just the ridiculous shows. It's religious extremists blowing up buildings and killing people to get a nation off their own territory, it's immigration laws being ridiculously strict because a small group of people have misbehaved, it's girls selling themselves short so that they can boast of a ring(mind you it's just the ring because the marriage is often empty), it's men behaving like con artists with all the lies and tricks just to get a few moments of pleasure from a lady, it's women taking naked pics to gain ratings and publicity.So many extremes with people disregarding love, human dignity, integrity, health and the sanctity of life because of "freedom of choice" and getting it by all means.

 The state of things today which is generally abysmal is nothing short of a bunch of ungodly, rushed and poor decisions and the people who have enough sense to call things what they really are the crazy, boring bunch. I'll gladly wear those titles any day.  Christ is the standard I'm aspiring to. Enjoy your weekend folks!

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