Monday, December 27, 2010

Start with yours

Everyone knows the typical African culture is to raise the woman to hold down her home,to serve,to care to love,to work etc It's sort of naturally in us to be this way and eventually even the stubborn ones,if you persist they do turn out that way. We love to do these things(the regular sane,non problematic ones do). And all parents wnant their sons to meet this lovely type of woman...clearing throat here comes the dagger,what about YOUR son? are you training him to be good enough for this gem of a woman or are you teaching him to walk around expecting her regardless of the mess he is? I mean let's be sensible here,what is the point of training such amazing woman and letting the men off the hook?
Would you want your daughter to be happy and treated right?I should hope the answer is YES.Well then it should follow that you hope someone out there is being trained and prepared for her or did you think good men fall from the sky ready made?So why is it that the guys get the easier end of the training if any?Do you expect them to wake up one morning miraculously cured of silly manners?it takes training,discipline and guidance too.
Locking your girls up and letting the boys run around wild and free all day and night long makes no sense to basically you are protecting her and letting your crazy son go around messing other daughters up?How very responsible of you!
And could you please stop refering to 'women back then' 'back in the day we' yes back in the day you used we need advise for the crazy times we living in.Thing is no matter what you can't give advise to a woman juggling a career/school and domestication the same way you gave advise to the woman who stayed at home all day long,we have way more roles today and that is being complicated more by the untrained sons who keep treating us like we are the stay at home do nothing but be domestic kind of woman.Train for NOW,appropriate advise,how to juggle all this and still be sane.
If I leave home at the same time as you,get home at the same time...explain to me why you can't atleast help the kids with the homework,put the clothes in the machine while I make the dinner?Explain to me why you become the most immobile (thing)for lack of a better word the moment you step into the house,suddenly you qualify for an invalid because now the woman has to do EVERYTHING. And then with all conviction you complain about the lack of warmth from the woman,ofcourse there is no warmth,you have just turned her into a certified servant (that you probably saw your own mom turn into) and she is worn out!

And then you wonder why women all of sudden are acting out,it doesnt justify their actions at all,am not defending that but there is a root to some things and you must face it.Princesses are being trained only to hook up with some juvenile deliquent!Marriages would probably be much more harmonious if people learned to put the work into both sexes.

It all starts back home,with your own kids. Do not point your finger at somonelse's daughter sizing her up for your son or disqualifying her when your own son needs some serious serious work before he can ever be considered eligible to step up to any girl!
Not a mom yet but trust when my boys step into this world they better gear up for training coz sergent Melissa is sssoooooo in town and I don't discriminate....boys and girls will do what they have to do in my house!And please let no man try to quote bible on this one because never once did God commend a lazy,irresponsible,non-commital man! As far as the bible is concerned the heroic,principled,hardworking real men were commended.

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