Disillusionment comes from many sources but I think the biggest is the little white lies that people tell to encourage you or make you feel better. We are told half truths that do not cover the entire picture and so when true experience hits us, we feel betrayed and abnormal. We feel like complete failures. You are told "Education is the key to success" , so now you're sitting at home after graduation wondering why those applications are not bearing fruit or why you're now employed in a firm that pays you just enough to make ends meet and cares nothing for its employees. You are told "self employment is the only way to be free and happy" and then you wonder why you are being crushed under the weight of responsibility and seemingly never have time for family or anything else except your business. You are told that the church is the safest haven there is and yet you have to wipe bitterness away from your eyes so often from the venom that flows from church folk who can be some of the most cruel, hurtful people with their gossip, hypocrisy and judgement . You are told that whoever be in Christ is a new creature and not the fact that you will have some level of struggle , to be that new creature. oh and one of my personal favorites "follow your heart" but no one tells you that your heart can be the most deceptive of all leading you to the most treacherous and dangerous people.
People would be better prepared and handle situations better if they would just be told the uncompromising, loving truth!
People would be better prepared and handle situations better if they would just be told the uncompromising, loving truth!
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