Healthy living is a responsibility that most people ignore mostly because of a lack of proper knowledge and understanding of the benefits. It's easy to brush away healthy living a stressful and too much work when when you don't understand the benefits like prolonged life, being able to fulfill your purpose, avoiding a number of communicable diseases like strokes, heart disease, diabetes, kidney and liver disease etc. Healthy living includes exercising, healthy diet (not starvation) maintaining a healthy state of mind and committing to spiritual growth. Anything contrary to these counts as unhealthy living and in the long run has severe consequences on your life. Initially the discipline seems like a burden but once you reap the benefits and compare it with your old lifestyle, you just can't quit or shut up about it! Health junkies often seem irritating because people on the outside looking in think they are blabbering about nothing and should just shut up and "enjoy life".
King James Bible
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
New International Version
"I have the right to do anything," you say--but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"--but not everything is constructive.
That is the crux of it, you have the right to enjoy but when that enjoyment is at the expense of your health that is foolishness and nearsightedness. Arm yourself with knowledge and make the commitment today to embark on the journey of a healthy lifestyle not just a weight loss goal (another mistake people make).
Enjoy your weekend!
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