Sunday, October 20, 2013

Deliver uniquely

Reading the parable of talents in Matthew 25:14-24 something struck me because it related to what I have learned over a few years.
 "But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money." Verse 18
 This means that until you deliver uniquely, your talent remains hidden! It is as if your talent/gift was never given or birthed in you. What a tragedy that would be!
In verse 24  the master likens the servant who hid his talent(verse 18) to one who reaps where he has not sown. This is exactly what happens with writing or any other talent for that matter. 
You can't be a good writer unless you start to write as yourself, you can't sing excellently until you sing as yourself. The unique touch makes the difference between excellence and mediocrity. As a copy cat there is no multiplication, it is only duplication. Further more, one stifles oneself when instead of investing in one's own gift, one farther's the gift of another. It's okay to have a natural similarity in delivering one's talent or to be inspired but to intentionally copy or imitate another's talent is only a disservice to the "copier". You will only be remembered as the copy of whoever it is you are imitating and as such never truly appreciated or effective in producing fruit from your talent. It is better to mature slowly and be effective in your own unique way than to shoot to fame for being like some famous person but not grow or go any further. It is also better to be positively compared to great people in terms of what you have achieved(results and effectiveness) than to be compared for having the same delivery as someone great. 
Reaping where you have not sown in verse 24  also means that you are stealing the benefits of someone's gift/talent.

My prayer for us all is that we may all discover our talents and deliver them uniquely as ourselves. Have a lovely Sunday y'all!

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