Sunday, January 2, 2011

Relationships are Journeys

No matter how hard we try to prepare ourselves to make the major step of committing to that special person fact remains that you can not avaoid the jorney that it is. Relationships go through cycles,good and bad  and whether or not we want to admit it that person with whom you share some of the most precious and exciting moments is going to one day going to take you through a very tough period in your life. Certain situations you can't even prepare for,the lesson comes in the experience, you can't prepare to grow trust or develop patience for the one you love,these are things that grow from experiences. Patience is ocassionally biblically refered to as 'long suffering' and that is not a coincidence because it always grows out of being put under some level of discomfort which then eventually grows into tolerance and finally being at peace with the wait. To have trust you must first decide to take the risk and then that trust will mature and grow stronger after the other party has proven themselves over and over again to be worthy of the risk you took. Once the person can withstand hard situations and pressure without betraying you,you develop a deeper trust for them.
You also learn the substance in each other after you experience hardhsips. Hardhsips are the main idea behind vows,it is easy to stay when it's smooth sailing but a vow makes more sense and takes on greater meaning when a hardship comes your way. After withstanding these hardships and supporting each other then you both appreciate each other more.
There is no way around it,relationships are journeys and no amount of preparation will have you travelling on a straight and easy road all through,you will have to travel  to the mountain peaks as well as the valleys ,and ocassionally you'll have some flat and simple terrains.
Don't waste so much time preparing outside the realtionship that you forget to actually take the leap. After all most of the p lessons are learnt in the realtionship not outside it.

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