Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The key to overcoming

Live life anticipating passing all the tests instead of in the fear of failing them. A fearful mind is incapable of sound thinking and will infact lead you to produce that which you are afraid of.Why? because under corrupted lines of thought you are unable to perform at your best. Fearful  thoughts inhibit creativity and innovation. They create a defensive and reactive line of action as opposed to a proactive line of action.Challenges in life will always come but the state of mind in which they find us in is what makes the difference between overcoming and defeat.
 2 Timothy 1:17
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind KJV


  1. fear inhibits genius, you couldn't have said better! if you think you might fail your mind is preconditioned to fail, before you even embark on the task, you have already failed.


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