Monday, December 27, 2010

Great Minds Vs. Simple Minds(choose who you roll with)

Great minds will offer their area of expertise to a process without having to be baited by the end result,Simple minds want an explanation as to why their input isn't needed in the whole process and need to baited with results.

Great minds understand the importance of order and hierarchy in any unit,Simple minds interprete order as a threat to their freedom and any order of hierarchy above them as a threat to their 'superiority'.

Great minds cut to heal as they correct and mould people, Simple minds cut to kill as they use harshness and  cruelty to supposedly attain the same goal.

Great minds will teach and preach as they learn and never siezing to think,they revisit what they taught to see if anything is missing to make it better the next time, simple minds teach and preach with the assumption that there is nothing more there,they burry what they taught and move on to another topic.

Great minds can appreciate the strengths of others because they know they have their own,Simple minds are intimidated by other people's strengths.

Great minds can deal with other opinions,simple minds are insulted by other opinions because its just their opinion that matters and makes sense.

Great minds can function outside of popularity because they understand that what's popular isn't always right or neccessary for a given time,Simple minds feed off popularity,it's their motivation for everything.

Great minds seek the truth behind the raw facts,Simple minds are satisfied with raw facts and interprete them as the truth.

Great minds are nurtured my a higher spiritual calling,they grow as they unveil the mysteries of God, simple minds are nurtured by their own desire and by mere mortals with no direction....

this is the distinction I've so far made...much more to be found.

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