Monday, December 27, 2010

Hot church Mess

Going to get alot of flack for this but it is what it is...
Am just amazed at the hot mess Christians appear to be from the observers' view point. It's becoming a faker and faker fiasco by the day. More and more Christians are leaning towards following what the other 'sister' or 'brother' does instead of standing authentic ground and pursuing a genuine relationship with God. It's a real comedy
lives that live contrary to the words of their mouth...a religion of love with some of the snobbiest people alive who snub not just outsiders but also the 'sinners' in their church instead of helping
Then we got the oh do revered priests preachers pastors prophets etc having their own share of madness. Where to even start... Yes that lovely entertainment they call preaching aaand-ah! Jeeesus-ah ah saaaaid-ah!! Hello someBADY...can I get a whitness? A whitness to what???? You have not said anything of substance yet! Then we have the oh too deep and spiritual for y'all preachers ... Big colourful confusing words that live the congregation a huge deposit of tough vocabulary but empty confused and secretly disatisfied spirit. Who are you helping with complicated language but the completely brainy and equally boastful and fake?! You think your God us pleased with the intellect and lack of harvest...retire soon please and let the true ones do the real thing.
Then we have the rule book ones who pass rule after rule with their congregation moving away from true relationship with God and guidance of the Holy spirit. Pastor said don't do this , pastor said do the other...pastor doesn't like .... And Jesus?what would He do? What does conviction of the spirit tell you?
Then we have the false prophets misleading their people with their fantasies and false visions and dreams...couples never meant to be united by the 'prophet' who said this is your wife... No compatibility, no chemistry, no destiny, no word from God nothing but the all knowing prophet's word and a sure life of misery... Possibly even divorce
Then we have the ones who will fool their people into believing trials are all evil and Christians should sail through life and only seek God for material stuff. Does the bible say Ye shall NEVER have trouble? Does growth come out of good times? Do you learn to believe God for deliverance without the trial to be delivered from?
Then the congregation... Gets real funny here.
Let's talk about the 'must have' language that whether or not it applies it seems you must speak. Rule one never speak truth when you are down...if they ask how you are proceed with 'I am blessed,highly favoured,conquering ' etc whatever you reply make it as colourful as possible. How dare a Christian be depressed, hurting, ill, struggling??? Never we are called to act .... Just stop!!! People are committing suicide, having secret addictions,divorcing etc etc and you want people not to reach out but to push the faith slogan in vain 'call things that be not as though they were'. All the people that went to Jesus went to him declaring the problem and asking for help! Not lying to Him that they were highly favoured well and etc. Who will join you in prayer if you don't state the case? You can state it without being negative... That's all am saying
Then the ones who replace God with the preacher...never graduating to a friend of God but remaining biscuit of the preacher. Congrats you are golden child of the pastor and enstranged child of God
then the big act in must speak fluent 'tongue' jerk a certain way, shout loudest amend etc. You are wasting valuable feeding time, distracting other members and making people who genuinely experience these things seem as fake as you... STOP!

Then we have the divisions ooowwiieee!!! Several sects... And then sects within sects... What happened to plain Christian?? Follower of Christ? Why all the titles and divisions in a church that should be one?
And my fave, the lack of distinction between natural and spiritual... Lack of balance. Your kids miss you because all you do is church and nothingelse. Translation to the crazy ones... The children are now demon posseses because they are getting in your way so pray in tongues and cast out the demons LOL and then you wonder why your son is a junkie and your teenage daughter us pregnant with a thug's child! Play your human roles stop spiritualising everything!
Your husband gives you a peck in public or kisses you...time to preach to him about self control...woman the man us merely loving you and maybe publically he wants to show he is proud of you ...if he doesn't show you attention then what?? You complain? He us instructed biblically to lavish you with life don't turn it into spiritual 101 class it's natural and it's not like some mortal sin!
Also it is a mortal sin not to quote scripture 24 hours a day it seems.We must talk bible from the moment we wake up to when we lay to sleep.Then you wonder why people are sceretly indulging in all sorts of dangerous activity for some fun! We must promote the scriptures and preach but we must also be human and interact humanly without being lewd,disrespectful etc.The bible was written as a guideline to living not a 24 hour language.I mean some people crack me up,they will inbox me laughing at an update i put up on facebook if it doesnt have a bible verse attached to it because they are afraid the 'christian' freinds will see their comment on my page. this is not to say the update is evil or rude or agaisnt just doesnt have a biblical quotation so automatically it is 'unspiritual' lol happy enslavement.Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full not be in bondage of your human rules. No wonder the church sometimes fails to reach out to 'lay people'. You can quote scripture but you can't apply it to life and real life issues to help others.
Really sometimes I don't blame people for shunning the church. Having been on the non believing side I can relate to what 'outsiders' see. I just thank God I eventually made it to Christ despite the mockery of the whole belief.
In defence and conclusion of my heartfelt belief... It is not Christianity with the issue, it is those carrying the title and misrepresenting what so believe is the best brand out there! I pray we get back to the real biblical basics and heart of our belief.Cleaning up the house of God does not mean only gettimg rid of sin, it also means getting hold of authenticity for God.blessed Sunday and sorry for typos... No time to edit a heartfelt issue that's been burning my insides :-)

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